What’s That Stuck in My Teeth? What Happens During a Dental Cleaning?

It is said that a smile is worth a thousand words, but I’m sorry to tell you that brushing your teeth no matter how much you do it is not enough to take care of your pearly whites, you get bonus points if you floss your teeth regularly and use mouthwash, but that’s not enough either.

The fact of the matter is that there are places you simply cannot reach, and therefore clean properly on your own with a toothbrush and dental floss, or even mouthwash for that matter.

Moreover, whether you admit it or not, as much as you pride yourself on amazing dental hygiene, there are times where you fail to keep up with that routine, either you’re too tired and you just end up falling asleep without brushing your teeth, you’re in a rush and have no time to do so, or for any other reason simply just forget to brush your teeth. 

What’s That Stuck in My Teeth?

Like I said earlier, there are times where we for whatever reason are unable to brush our teeth, and sometimes all it takes is 24 hours for the plaque in your teeth to harden into tartar. To the uninitiated, the two terms are sometimes used interchangeably and so we can clear up any confusion, what exactly is the difference between plaque and tartar?

Plaque- is a soft sticky buildup of bacteria-ridden film caused by the food that we eat- especially the sugary kind, fortunately this stuff can easily be removed by regular brushing and flossing

Tartar- or dental calculus is what plaque will eventually harden into if you let it build up for long enough, and it doesn’t take much time at all as I’ve mentioned before. Tartar can cause a variety of problems with your teeth and gums including but not limited to gingivitis or the swelling and bleeding of the gums, tooth pain and sensitivity, the dreaded yellowing of teeth and so much more. And believe me when I say this stuff is impossible to get off your teeth on your own and thus need to have cleaned by a professional

Now that we’ve established why you have to get your teeth professionally cleaned at minimum every six months it’s time to answer the question: 

What exactly Happens During a Dental Cleaning

The first thing you should know is there’s nothing to worry about and you should just relax, as a professional dental cleaning is usually a quick and painless procedure unless you’re like me: who went into the dental clinic with years’ worth of tartar buildup; then I suggest you hold on to something and promise yourself you’ll take better care of your teeth. All kidding aside a routine dental cleaning will generally consist of the following steps:

  1. A Preliminary Exam 

  • First thing’s first, before the dentist sticks anything pointy in your mouth they will have to see what they’ll be working on, usually the dentist will use a small mirror to see how much buildup you have on your teeth and if you have any sort of damage to your teeth and gums (Though my dentist stuck a bigger mirror in my mouth and even took pictures on their cellphone).

  1. Removing the Buildup

  • After the dentist gets a glimpse of what’s stuck on your teeth, now comes the fun part. Using an ultrasonic scalar, a metal implement that vibrates at a high frequency, the dentist will begin to scrape away the plaque and tartar that’s stuck in your teeth. It’s worth noting that it’s during this stage when there’s a high powered pointy implement in your mouth where the dentist is at their most conversational, and I understand it’s to try and diffuse any tension you may feel, but in my opinion there are things best left unsaid, lest you risk spitting on your own face.

  1. Polishing those pearly whites

  • After all that plaque and tartar is removed from your teeth, the dentist will then brush your teeth with a high powered electric toothbrush, floss your teeth, and give you a fluoride treatment to protect from cavities. After all is said and done you will be given a mouth rinse and voila! Your mouth is as good as new
