Some Gnawing Questions on Dental Implants

 Growing up, I was always told that we only get two sets of teeth throughout our entire lives. Your initial set of baby teeth that gradually fall out as you age, and a set of permanent teeth that do not grow back when lost. While that is unfortunate, thanks to modern technology, there exists an alternative method of replacing lost teeth aside from dentures known as dental implants.

What is a Dental Implant?

Dental implants can be anything from a way to add extra support and to help anchor your dentures, or an outright replacement for any missing teeth. But for the sake of simplicity, I will define a dental implant as a non-corrosive metal screw (usually titanium) that is implanted directly into your jawbone where any missing teeth used to be.

Are Dental Implants Safe?

With almost 3 million tooth implants successfully placed in the Philippines annually, the answer is a resounding yes! The procedure itself is rather sophisticated and done by highly trained individuals, and healthy teeth and gums are a prerequisite, so before a patient even goes under the knife for a dental implant any underlying issues with the teeth and gums will be addressed first.

However, as with all alterations to the human body there exists a few risks such as infection and the possibility of your mouth rejecting the implant but that is an extremely rare occurrence since titanium is a material known for its ability to integrate with natural bone, and with regards to the risk of infection, so long as the operating environment and your mouth is properly sterilized (which it will be) you should be absolutely fine

Lastly, as far as whether or not the procedure hurts? It depends heavily on an individual’s level of pain tolerance, but the dentist will take every step possible in order to mitigate the amount of pain one might feel while undergoing the procedure

How Long Does the Procedure Take?

How long the procedure takes depends heavily on how many implants you are planning to get, but typically a single dental implant usually takes an hour. And you can expect the healing process to take about 4 to 6 months during which time it is highly recommended that you consume soft foods and refrain from eating anything highly acidic or spicy.

How to Maintain Dental Implants?

Taking care of dental implants is pretty much the same as your real teeth, brush three times daily, dental floss, mouthwash, and a regular visit to your dentist at least every six months.

How Much Do Dental Implants Cost

The price is dependent on many factors, such as the location of your clinic, type of implant you will get, the material and quality of the implant, and the number of implants that you are planning on getting, among others. But in the Philippines you can expect tooth implants to cost anywhere from PHP 10,000 to PHP 100,000. But just to be safe its best to consult with your dentist for the exact price of the procedure at their specific clinic
