The Lesser of Two Evils: The Effects of Vaping on Oral Health

 Vaping, when compared to smoking traditional tobacco cigarettes, is decidedly the lesser of two evils, in fact the e cigarette may be a lifesaving option for those who wish to gradually kick the habit of smoking. Be that as it may, the act of inhaling anything other than atmospheric oxygen still has effects on your respiratory and oral health.

And though the risks of vaping to your oral health are slightly diminished compared to smoking, at the end of the day, health risks are still health risks. So how does the consumption of e-cigarettes affect your oral health?

  1. Vapes Can Potentially Pose an Explosive Risk

  • This is perhaps one risk that can make an e-cigarette more dangerous than the traditional tobacco cigarette. However, it is usually a result of faulty hardware and electronics, therefore in order to avoid this risk, make sure you acquire a vape from a legitimate and reputable seller, and make sure to properly maintain its electronic components on a regular basis.

  1. Bad Breath and Stained Teeth

  • Despite the fact that the flavored juices used in vapes usually smell pleasant, they are by no means a replacement for basic oral hygiene and dental cleanings, and repeated use can and will cause bad breath. Just remember that no matter how pleasant the aroma of vape juice may be, keep practicing basic oral hygiene, such as brushing, flossing, mouthwash and regular visits to your dental clinic.

  1. Oral Irritation and Erosion

  • While the chemicals used to make vape juice aren’t as dangerous as the chemicals in cigarettes, repeated exposure to and consumption of the chemicals present in vape juice can result in irritation in the throat, erosion of tooth enamel which can require expensive veneers, and gum diseases, Vaping has also been linked to cavities, bone loss, and tooth decay.

  1. Oral Cancer

  • Although the consensus on vaping is that it poses slightly less health risks than traditional cigarettes, the fact still remains that its effects have yet to be fully documented and studied as it is a relatively novel technology. However, unless proven otherwise it is conceivable that there exists a risk of oral cancer as a result of repeated exposure to the chemicals in vape juice.


Over all, vaping can be a double edged sword. On the one hand, a life-saver for those who want to stop smoking, but on the other hand, repeated exposure to it can still prove risky to your oral health.

If you wish to completely avoid these risks, it is best to quit smoking or vaping altogether if your willpower is strong enough to do so, better yet, never get into the habit of consuming nicotine to begin with.

Fortunately, these risks are infinitely easier to mitigate with regular teeth cleanings from Dental World, a clinic with some of the most affordable teeth cleaning prices, veneer prices, and other oral health needs in the Philippines.
